
Holistic Therapies

Remedial Massage 

Using techniques that address both deep and superficial tissues, with specific focus on myofascial release. Skilled manipulation combined with in depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology to bring about pain relief, correcting and normalising the body's muscles and soft tissues.

Aromatherapy Massage

Relaxing massage using soothing techniques and essential oils blended specifically for you. Relieving tension and stress in the body and mind.

30 min £25

60 min £45

75 min £50

Block Packages of 8 are available at a discounted rate, working out at the 8th massage complementary.


This ancient technique is the ultimate relaxing foot massage. Stimulating specific points of the feet called reflex points, which are believed to relate closely to your organs and structures of the body. Helping to stimulate the body's own natural healing process and promoting overall wellness.

60 min £40

Block Package of 8 at discounted rate is available.

Indian Head Massage

Seated chair massage using pressure point massage. Focuses on the neck, shoulders, forehead and head to ease built up tension. This soothing massage is part of a old Indian medicine, called Ayurvedic Medicine, and works both on a physical and spiritual level.

40 min £32

Block package of 8 at discounted rate is available.

Far Infa-red Sauna Blanket

This can be added to any of the above Therapies at a additional cost.

Nutrition Consultation

Initial Nutrition Consultation

In depth consultation involves a full case history of background and family health as well as analysis of diet and lifestyle. The consultation aims to help you understand what the underlying causes of your symptoms are and what you can do to achieve optimal health.

Includes an individual nutrition plan, identifying your heath concerns, full dietary analysis, meal and recipe suggestion, advice on local shopping, relevant information sheets, lifestyle guidance and support between appointments by phone or email.

A supplement programme and functional testing may be recommended if these are thought to be appropriate. The cost would be in addition to the consultation fee.

90 min £70

Follow up Consultation

A follow up appointment is recommended 4-6 weeks after your initial consultation to asses results and help keep you on track. We will do another full dietary analysis. Discussing how you are getting along and make any amendments needed to your nutrition plan. Ensuring you are progressing to your health goals.

60 min £45

Nutrition Packages Available

You may require more than one follow up appointment to reach your health goals. Theses packages have been developed to make it cost effective for you.

Initial Consultation with 1 follow up appointment £95

Initial Consultation with 2 follow up appointments £125

Schedule your appointment

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