Fay Hansen

Nutrition & Holistic Therapies


Email: fh.nutrition.holistics@gmail.com
Phone: 07828722229 

Opening Times 

Monday - Thursday: 9am - 8pm

Be your best version, take time to look after you.

Nutrition Consultations

Using naturopathic principles and functional medicine techniques, nutritional therapy aims to get to the root cause and support health conditions. Taking into account past medical history, genetics, eating habits as well as lifestyle. We can understand the underlying factors of your health condition. looking at each person as an individual to bring about vitality and health for everyone.

Holistic Therapies

 With a range of Reflexology, Indian Head Massage, Remedial Massage and Aromatherapy Massage. All appointments are tailored to your individual needs. Relieving tension and stress from the body and mind, to bring about complete wellbeing.

Genetic Testing  

DNA Life certified practitioner offering a range of  genetic tests to help you make the best choices for optimal health, sport and ageing. These tests focus on health management, dietary disposition, athletic performance and drug metabolism. Providing a unique insight into your genetic code: revealing sensitivities and keys to your true health potential.

Wether you wish relieve the tension and stress in the body and mind with holistic therapies. Or educate and empower yourself on the benefits of personalised nutritional advice, allowing you to be in control of your health and happiness. I am looking forward to help you achieve your potential.

Schedule your Appointment

© 2018 Fay Hansen. 36 West Bute Street, Cardiff Bay. CF10 5LH.
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